yadacity hot news

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The hush-hush on the plot for ‘Sex in The City 2’ is tighter than a gay man with a hot, stock tip.

Here is what Yadacity thinks: Carrie Bradshaw is finally happy, she has her “mister big.” She has money, a brilliant apartment, book advances, heels, three best girl friends ever to walk the earth and her gay boyfriend! Now, she wants a child, Mr. Big does not. He thinks he is too old (he is and so is she). Every time she is around Charlotte, her eyes tear up and the soft-soft skin of a baby and the active mind of Charlotte’s daughter, Lilly, makes her pine for children.

Miranda reunited with Steve (our favorite every man). In this sequel, his mother dies and the issue of “time creeping away,” begins an important part of act two. Their son, Brady is having problems in school (anger management) since issues with Miranda and Steve were not “healed,” just temporarily in a cast. Magna, their babysitter-house keeper dies and Miranda finally, really, cries not just for her but also for her mother, Steve’s mother and her babysitter! Pinned up emotion.

The two queens (and I mean this with LOVE) –ok—homosexual gentlemen--- move in together. It’s a “butt of heads,” at first (style issues), but in the end, curled up in bed with winter snow swirling down and an old Classic movie on their BIG FLAT SCREEN TV mounted, just perfectly on the wall, they realize how hard it is to find love and how lucky they are!

The cancer is back with our gal Samantha---Smith (now dating a very big ticket actress) is back by her side. Her little dog refuses to leave her side and her friends are there to the end.

Her funeral is the PARTY to attend and the two in charge of the guest list (our lovely gay couple) reject many from both the wake and the funeral; it's one of the best and funniest scenes in the film.

On her way to the wake-funeral-party, Carrie finds out she is Finally going to have a baby. She touches her belly and knows, in some way, SAMATHA is back!

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