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Monday, November 24, 2008

SAG President needs a spanking & a time out: Big Baby!

ALAN the United States of America is in a depression. Just because the “official memo” or statement has not been stated, it is obvious.

You cannot “push” for a strike. It will be like putting the final “nail” in many, many members coffin as well as other people that make a living in the industry.

I do agree that you must not let “residuals” on traditional media go but stop “worrying about new media” at this point in the history of “new meda.” Do a proviso clause for the next round of contracts talks on the new media issue.

Plus, who cares if non-union actors do web work. That is how they build their resume which is how they become members of SAG eventually. Your vision is too small. You are fighting for money on new media residuals on what projects? People are losing their houses – do you think they care about watching television or can afford to go to a movie? People are losing their houses; do you think they want or can buy a DVD?

Entertainment is not necessary for basic survival. It is a want, not a need. Here, Alan are needs. You must eat, drink, be clothed and have a roof over your head. Health care is a must as well but that is another conversation.

Stop it Alan. You need a major time out or just walk away.

The American working force is not pleased with your bad behavior.

Keep it up; you will lose the battle and the war.

Yada City has spoken - and yes, I am a union member since 1992

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