yadacity hot news

Friday, November 21, 2008

ABC has "Palin Moment" over Daisies!


According to the Hollywood Reporter ABC will not give full-season orders to "Pushing Daisies," "Dirty Sexy Money" and "Eli Stone." The brass has not officially stated that the struggling shows are canceled.

ABC informed the shows' producers that no additional episodes would be ordered at this time. However, it left the door open for future orders, though that is considered unlikely. I say again "Palin Moment Sirs and Madam, A Palin Moment."

I want to say something snarky about not understanding the value of “Pushing Daisies.” I want to say SO WHEN QUALITY IS IN YOUR FACE you dumb down. I want to say something like "this moves makes the Big Car CEO’s, who went to capital hill on a private jet begging for billions -- the smartest guys in the room." I want to say, Big Boys and Big Gals at ABC you are having a “Palin Moment.” But I won’t!

Come on “think out of the ratings box.” That is not how people view television anymore. Your team is stuck (like the main character in LIFE ON MARS –a brilliant show) somewhere in ’73 and the rest of the world is already in 2009!

WAKE UP and keep pushing the daisies!

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