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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Big Bill gets 10M a year......for being Mean as a Snake?

Bill O'Reilly Workd The System with a Huge New Contract!

BILL O’ BILL …. You are what makes America great. Be hated, be small minded and get rich. You make kindness so outdated; you might start the next civil war or, in a pinch, start the next reality show. The working title is HOW MEAN CAN YOU BE?

Whether you dig the O’Reilly or hate him, you have to give Big Bill O'Reilly his props This dude works his bullying YADA all the way to the big, insured bank; somewhere in Switzerland.

Big Bill O’ is a temperamental host, and for that he has inked a new contract with Fox News Channel paying him about $10 million per year to continue hosting his 'O'Reilly Factor' show.

Hard working (kind, not so kind, mean) are packing up and leaving their homes and Big Bill is running, with his money across the border!

You go Bill.......no, really, you go!

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