yadacity hot news

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Brad and A going split, split?

The jaws are wagging about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie possible split!
Whatever people. At least Brad and Angelina cared enough to reach back and help others! At least they made a lifetime commitment to that truth. At least they keep their word.

These are not stupid people. I assure you the understand how lucky they are.

For those not in the industry, an actor stands on a mark, remember their lines --which are written (most of the time) by creative writers---wink-smile-roll-shoot and get Millions of dollars. Angelina and Brad are aware that police-persons, fire-persons, teachers, etc… step to the plate and do their work just as hard, if not harder, and they don’t get millions of dollars.

This team gives and not to get “publicity,” the step to service for the right reasons.

Yadacity says back the “f*#$%^&*” off. All relationships have a give and take and it’s private.

There are children involved and might we suggest, get a solid, interesting life for yourself. Love, eat, lose and thank whatever is clever that you live to fight another day.

Yadacity has spoken….

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