yadacity hot news

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


The crazy-like-a-fox producer Christo Dimassis, who also wears the actor hat when needed and runs the indie film company ---Brooklyn Reptyle Films, is proud to announce that 2010 –he is going to kick ass and take names starting with AUDIE AND THE WOLF now avaialbe on Netflix.

Netflix it baby.

It ain’t easy children walking the indie road. Here is a recap on the wolf circuit:

Q: What does Audie want for 2010?

A: To have every house in the world own a copy of Audie and the Wolf.
But I would settle for having each person that knows, sees or hears about Audie
would tell a friend to check it out. I just want to spread the word about the film, it's fun.

Please go to the website at www.audieandthewolf.com <http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=31266869&msgid=503832&act=D
W3C&c=284612&admin=0&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.audieandthewolf.com> and click on the DVD icon in the upper right hand corner.

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