yadacity hot news

Monday, August 3, 2009


Ok, only one member of the Yadacity staff -is going to go on record about Ryan O’Neal’s interview about the late AND COURAGEOUS Farrah Fawcett

Vanity Fair’s contributing editor, Leslie Bennetts, wrote the story. The issue is on stands August 5th.

High YadaCity five for the P.R. guru heading the Vanity Fair account!

According to O’ Neal (as reported by Vanity Fair) he “wishes he could ‘do it over,' get in line O’ Neal, we all want to do it over!

In a candid interview, he admits that --- ".....I would have been much kinder, more understanding, more mature. I'd lose some of the savagery. I don't know how she got cancer; maybe some of it was me…...."

Mr. O’ Neal is, in one yadacity staff’s opinion, the model of a narcissist.

Definition, Narcissist.
A pattern of traits and behaviors, which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition. Most narcissists (75%) are men.

As reported in Vanity Fair, the often tumultuous relationship with Fawcett, O'Neal admits “… I was always a jerk."

He then states, that "they're hard work, these divas," referring to the late Farrah's sex symbol status. "I was sick of it, and I was unappreciated." Narcissist?

Yadacity is all about love and forgiveness, so after your read the August 5th edition of Vanity Fair, give love to Mr. O’Neal. I hope that his friends and family are in motion for a major ‘intervention,’ sans TV cameras!

All those without sin and pain, throw the first...(fill in the blank).


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